Vermont Adjuster, Appraiser, Public Adjuster, Surplus Lines Broker, Consultants, Reinsurance Intermediary, and Life Settlement Broker licenses expire on a common expiration date of March 31 of even years. If you apply for a license now, you will pay the initial license and application fee for a license that expires on March 31, of the next even year. You will also receive an invoice for the license renewal fee prior to the expiration date of that license. All applications received at the Insurance Department after March 1st, of the even year will not be issued effective until April 1st, of the same even year, unless a specific request is made.
The Department of Financial Regulation has received a number of inquiries from insurers asking if Vermont law provides an exception to the adjuster licensing requirement if the individual adjusting is a staff adjuster of the insurer. The answer is 'No;' there is no exception to the adjuster licensing requirement, unless the insurer is a Vermont domestic fire or casualty company. See Title 8 V.S.A. 4791(3). Insurers should review their licensing protocols to ensure their adjusters handling Vermont claims are properly licensed. For information about how to obtain a license, go to