Lookup a License: Use the License Inquiry Service to verify individual, agency, and company licenses.
Effective October 19, 2021 South Dakota converted existing Individual license types to become compliant with Producer Licensing Model Act (PLMA) standards.
Please review the changes in the table below.
License Type Changes
Application Type | Entity Type | Previous License Type | New License Type |
PDB, NRL, NRR | Indiv | Non-resident Producer | Insurance Producer |
PDB, NRL, NRR | Indiv | Resident Producer | Insurance Producer |
Carriers are now able to submit payments for appointment renewal and company assessment invoices through an Automated Clearing House (ACH) process using Vertafore's Sircon solution. Payments can be made with checking, savings or corporate checking accounts. To submit these payments, the bank account must be authorized to accept ACH transactions. There will be a $10 service fee for each invoice paid.
Please sign up for a Sircon account in the 'Create Your Sircon Account' section above for Carriers. Once you have created an account, you will also need to notify your bank of Vertafore's ACH payment processor information:
Once your Sircon account is set up and your bank is notified of the above information, no additional set up is needed. To access the State Invoice Payment service, log into your Sircon account using the link above. Under the Administration menu, click on Pay State Invoices to process payment.
If you have any questions regarding your Sircon account or this new payment service, please contact Sircon directly at https://sirconwalkup.vertafore.com/apex/sc_ContactSupport or (877) 876-4430.
South Dakota Division of Insurance
124 South Euclid Avenue, 2nd Floor
Pierre, SD 57501
Send message to: sdinsurance@state.sd.us
Call 605.773.3563
Fax to 605.773.5369
Contact the South Dakota Division of Insurance for any of the following reasons:
A producer licensing exam should be scheduled through the South Dakota exam provider, Pearson VUE. If you wish to take an exam, please login at Pearson VUE at 888.873.6205. To prepare for your exam, pre-licensing study material information is available here.
Examinations taken by residents applying for a new license or qualification takes up to 5 days to post to our database before they can apply online for a new license or qualification.
To print a license online you must be logged into a Sircon for Individuals or Sircon for Agencies account. This service is free for 30 days after a license application or renewal approval when using Sircon. Duplicate license copies can be printed at any time for a Sircon service fee.
South Dakota offers consumers the ease of electronically filing a complaint for any issues they may have with an insurance claim, policy, insurance company or producer. For any consumers that may need this, please access the portal by going to our website at https://dlr.sd.gov/insurance/doi_complaint.aspx and clicking on "File a Complaint".
Changes made using the the company address change service will automatically update the official address record for your company at the Insurance Division. Only certain address types can be changed using this service. Addresses that are not modifiable through this service must be changed by communicating to the State using the NAIC's Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA), form 14.